Natalia Agati, Emanuele Caporrella, Emanuela De Felice, Olimpia Fiorentino, Matteo Locci, Tiziano Locci, Florian Loesch, Serena Olcuire, Francesco Restuccia, Maria Rocco, Panagiotis Samsarelos
ABC manifesto corp
Interactive installation
2nd Istanbul Design Biennial.IKSV Istanbul, 2014
curator Zoë Ryan
Thanks to
Merve Yucel, Deniz Ova, IKSV team
A spacious area is arranged to resemble an office dedicated to ABC Manifesto Writers & Consultants. The exhibition features a performance that satirizes the characteristics of traditional manifestos, such as arrogance, loudness, and perversity. Attendees are invited to partake in a step-by-step process guiding them in crafting their own manifestos. The experience concludes with participants reading, recording, and symbolically tearing up their newly created, largely nonsensical manifestos.
Lo spazio è allestito come un ufficio per la finta corporation ABC Manifesto Writers & Consultants, con una performance che ironizza sugli elementi caratteristici del manifesto tradizionale: arroganza, enfasi, perversità. Si offre assistenza a chiunque desideri scrivere il proprio manifesto, attraverso un processo passo-passo che si conclude con i partecipanti che leggono, registrano e poi stracciano i loro nuovi, per lo più privi di significato, manifesti.
Are manifestoes still valuable devices for avanguardist wannabe?
“To put out a manifesto you must want: ABC to fulminate against 1, 2, 3”. In 1918 Tristan Zara started its famous Dada Manifesto explaining how irrelevant manifesto were by describing the writing of them as a simple series of rules to be followed. After almost 90 years the irrelevancy of manifestoes is testified by the fact that they became simple communication devices that do not imply the need for self-transformation nor social change.
They are nothing more than a weakened literary genre with rules and codes without any spirit.
Are Mocking prospectives capable of generating reactions?
Can cynical faulty visions boost creativity not as it is ought to be?
Clients are invited to follow a defined path, that passing through different departments culminates in the production of their own manifestoes by the apparatus. This path will enable them to free themselves from a passive visitor behavior and will eventually transform them into energized individuals capable of performing in front of a camera.
By entering the corporation office, clients delegate the apparatus to think for them: they are free from thinking, but not free from the apparatus.

Il gioco è bello quando ruba poco
Società Essoterica di Illusionismo Critico
Manipolazione onirica Carrefour