in collaboration with
Rhode Island art and design students
Luca Lotano
Centro di accoglienza straordinaria Casilina
Cooperativa Tre Fontane
Natalia Agati,Matteo Locci, Panagiotis Samsarelos
9/11 1599, charged with the murder of her father Francesco, Beatrice Cenci was executed by the papal state becoming ever sins a legendary female figure that reminds us of the intense repressions suffered by a noble young woman in late Renaissance Italy;
400 years after the execution, numerable tour guides still reference to her headless body walking around Sant’Angelo Bridge at night as it said Beatrice Cenci still haunts Rome.
The world famous tragedy starts with Francesco’s constant problem with justice and his violent and corrupted temperament that heavily influenced the family life in its palace.
In the attempt to avoid the provision of a dowry for Beatrice which could worsen his financial situation, Francesco decided to shut her and his wife Lucrezia in a family tower located in Petrella del Salto by the Appennines in 1595, where he also retired himself two years later.
In this harsh situation of imprisonment, Beatrice plotted and succeeded to murder her father with the complicity of the stepmother Lucrezia.
The story of The Cenci abruptly ends the following year with the famous executions and the organized dissolution of their properties.
A beautiful teenager who kills her brutal father to protect her virtue from his incestuous advances; who resists interrogation and torture with unswerving courage; and who goes to her execution unrepentant and borne along on a wave of popular sympathy.
The brutal story of Beatrice starts with Francesco’s fear of wedding and it
What if what if she would have been allowed to be married?
What if the Cenci’s story would have crossed their paths with another roman family?
What if the Aldobrandini (or the Orsini, the Borghese and likely) could have crossed their lineage by blood instead of the speculative financial machination?
Marriage, ideally, is a sharing of responsibilities, hopes, and dreams.
It takes a special effort to grow together, survive hard times, and be loving and unselfish.
Beloved downtown self-confined citizens, glorious Renaissance palaces’ dwellers , dear foreign institutions’ students and fellows.
We invite you all to marry Beatrice.
We will gather here and there to unite the properties together in the the acceptance of each other in entirety, as lovers, companions, and friend.
Join the NewRisdCenci for an unprecedented tour of Rome exploring the former Suburbs’ manors and their contemporary development.
Let's go outside.
Don't you lock yourself in the tower, explore the enchanted suburbs for the greatest wedding of all times.
You may roll the slot.
Il gioco è bello quando ruba poco
Società Essoterica di Illusionismo Critico
Manipolazione onirica Carrefour